Christina Piercing FAQ

A Christina piercing is a surface genital piercing located at the pubic mound, where the outer labia meet above the clitoral hood. It is purely decorative and does not enhance sensation.

The piercing is named after the first documented person to receive it, believed to be someone named Christina.

A Christina piercing is placed vertically through the skin at the pubic mound, above the clitoral hood where the outer labia converge.

The Christina piercing is a surface genital piercing, meaning it does not go through deep tissue or muscle but sits within the skin layers at the pubic mound.

A Christina piercing appears as two visible jewelry ends on the pubic mound, usually a curved barbell or surface bar.

It is sometimes referred to as the "pubic mound piercing" or "Venus piercing."

Healing time typically ranges from 6 months to over a year, depending on aftercare, anatomy, and lifestyle factors.

  • Initial swelling and redness for the first few weeks
  • Tissue stabilization within 3-6 months
  • Full healing takes 6-12 months, depending on movement, friction, and jewelry type
  • Rejection risk remains high throughout the healing period

Healing pictures typically show the piercing with minimal redness and swelling, indicating healthy tissue around the jewelry.

  • Clean with sterile saline solution twice daily
  • Avoid tight clothing and friction from underwear or sex
  • Do not use soaps, peroxide, or alcohol-based solutions
  • Monitor for irritation, swelling, or migration

Clean the piercing twice daily with a sterile saline solution. Avoid touching it unnecessarily, and do not apply harsh chemicals or ointments.

  • Continue saline soaks and avoid removing the jewelry
  • Look for signs of infection (pus, extreme redness, heat)
  • Consult a professional piercer if symptoms worsen

Bumps may be due to irritation, poor jewelry choice, or rejection. Consult a professional piercer for evaluation and proper care.

Pain levels vary, but most people experience moderate to high discomfort due to the thicker tissue at the pubic mound.

The piercing is generally rated as moderate to severe pain, as it passes through dense tissue and may have prolonged soreness due to movement and friction.

The pain can range from moderate to intense during the procedure due to the thick tissue at the piercing site.

Initial soreness lasts a few days to weeks, but discomfort should decrease as healing progresses.

No, it does not increase sensitivity, as it does not interact directly with nerve-dense areas like the clitoris.

A Christina piercing generally hurts more than a VCH piercing, as it passes through thicker skin and takes longer to heal.

Most Christina piercings use a 14g (1.6mm) needle, though some piercers may use 12g (2mm) jewelry depending on anatomy.

  • Curved barbells
  • Surface bars
  • Implant-grade titanium, niobium, or solid gold are preferred to minimize rejection.

No, belly rings are not suited for Christina piercings due to differences in anatomy and pressure points.

Jewelry lengths typically range from 10mm to 14mm, depending on anatomy and swelling.

While rings are not recommended due to a high rejection risk, some may use circular barbells once fully healed.

Yes, due to its surface placement, the Christina piercing has a higher risk of migration and rejection than other genital piercings.

Yes, rejection rates are higher than most piercings due to constant movement, friction, and surface tension.

Yes, Christina piercings are prone to migration and rejection, even after healing.

If rejected or improperly cared for, it can leave visible scarring.

Yes, but avoid waxing directly over the piercing, especially during healing, to prevent irritation or injury.

  • Use a clean, sharp razor
  • Avoid direct contact with the piercing
  • Trim carefully around the area to prevent irritation

It is recommended to wait at least 4-6 weeks before engaging in sexual activity, or until initial healing is complete.

Fresh piercings may close within days if jewelry is removed, while older piercings may take longer to close completely.

Preferences vary. Some may find them aesthetically appealing, while others may not have a strong opinion.